Life Planning

When building your Life Plan, we use a multi-step process to understand and then build on your life’s goals and dreams. Your Life Plan serves as your financial road map, and follows you through all of the twists and turns of your financial future.

Set Financial Objectives

In our initial conversations, we discover what your goals and dreams are. Do you need funds for your children’s education, for your retirement, to travel the world? Do you want to leave a financial legacy, to build your business, or are you just starting a family?

Gather Your Financial Information

Once we determine where you are in life and what you want your future to look like, we need to gather your current financial information. Do you contribute to a retirement account? Do you have savings? What is your tax situation? Do you own your home? These are only some of the questions we ask, as we determine what it will take for you to reach your goals and make your dreams come true.

Develop Your Life Plan

We will analyze the information you have given us, and determine a mix of investments, savings strategies, and spending to help you build or maintain your financial wealth. We will discuss your risk tolerance and investment objectives.

Implement Your Life Plan

We will put together a customized portfolio to help you realize those objectives. We will provide regular reports on your financial progress and suggest changes from time to time as market conditions change.

Update Your Plan

Life throws us many curveballs and surprises along the way. That’s why your Life Plan is always a topic of discussion and may need to be updated as your life changes from its original path. It may be a new addition to the family, job relocation, a new home, providing for grandchildren, or changes in your health. Whatever the circumstances, we will guide you through the financial challenges these events might bring, and we’ll work with your CPA® or attorney to be sure we are looking out for you.