Have You Received Your New Medicare Card?

Identity theft and fraud are always making headlines these days. Thankfully, the federal government has taken some steps to protect the identity of those in the Medicare system. Between April 2018 and April 2019, the government replaced Medicare cards for the 60 million people covered by this federal health plan. The new cards no longer use the cardholder’s Social Security number but now include a Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI). 

If you are still using or have your old Medicare card, get ready to dispose of it by January 1, 2020, which is the last day the card will be valid. If you have not received your card, please visit your local Social Security office or contact Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE (633-4227). 

Just a reminder that if you claim your Social Security benefits before you turn 65, you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare and will receive your card in the mail 3 months before your 65th birthday. If you haven’t claimed Social Security, you need to sign up for coverage during the window of time that starts three months before the month of your 65th birthday and ends at the end of the third month after your birthday month, for a total of 7 months. 

If you need help evaluating your Medicare options, reviewing your insurance coverage, or just want to ask a couple of questions, we’re here to help. Book your free 30-minute introductory phone consultation today!

About Mason & Associates, Inc.

Mason & Associates, Inc., was founded in 1989, specializing in Life Planning for individuals, families, and small businesses. Life Planning places a person’s core life values at the heart of the advice process and focuses on the human aspects of financial planning.

As a client, your personal story is key to our planning process. That is why we strive to build a close relationship that will encompass every aspect of your life. Together with our team of professionals, we guide you through the process of identifying what is important to you, your goals, your dreams. We then put into place a financial road map to set you on your way toward achieving your objectives.

Our responsibility does not end there. As you encounter bumps in the road, changes in goals, or any other roadblocks, we are there to offer advice and guidance. We are there to celebrate your successes and cope with your challenges. We work alongside your other professionals, such as your attorney and your CPA, to be sure all of your legal and financial needs are aligned.