
...And Now, for Some Good News!

...And Now, for Some Good News!

It’s easy to get discouraged when you watch the news and hear about the negative events and attitudes that inundate our lives. But sometimes a little perspective is all we need. While things may seem like they are falling apart, we truly have come a long way. Take a look at how our world has drastically improved over the past two centuries.

The Numbers Don’t Lie


According to a recent poll, only 6% of Americans think the world is getting better, but we should be much more optimistic than that! (2) Extreme poverty now only affects 10% of the population compared to 94% in the year 1820, and 85% of our world is literate. We no longer have to live in fear of diseases like whooping cough or worry about our children not living past their 5th birthday.

We have a long way to go, and we may make mistakes along the way, but the data is optimistic in the areas that matter. Society is improving, and that is enough of a reason to move forward with hope! Remember, positive changes happen over time, and this is true when it comes to your finances as well. As you stay disciplined, save little by little, and keep your eyes focused on your goals, you will also have good things to look forward to! At Mason & Associates, we want to work with you to plan for all stages of your financial life. Book a free 30-minute phone consultation to see what your financial situation could look like!

About Mason & Associates, Inc.

Mason & Associates, Inc. was founded in 1989, specializing in Life Planning for individuals, families and small businesses. Life Planning places a person’s core life values at the heart of the advice process and focuses on the human aspects of financial planning.

As a client, your personal story is key to our planning process. That is why we strive to build a close relationship that will encompass every aspect of your life. Together with our team of professionals, we guide you through the process of identifying what is important to you, your goals, your dreams. We then put into place a financial road map to set you on your way towards achieving your objectives.

Our responsibility does not end there. As you encounter bumps in the road, changes in goals or any other roadblocks, we are there to offer advice and guidance. We are there to celebrate your successes and cope with your challenges. We work alongside your other professionals such as your attorney and your CPA to be sure all of your legal and financial needs are aligned.




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