Who is Mason Life Planning and How Can They Help?

When it comes to something as significant as your financial future and the well-being of your family, it’s important to work with a wealth management firm you trust. After all, you’ll likely be working with your advisor for many years and entrusting them to help you build and preserve your wealth not only for your lifetime, but potentially also the lifetimes of your children and grandchildren.

Here at Mason & Associates, we’d like to take a moment to share a little more about who we are and how we can help you.

Referral Only

Our clients’ success is our success and vice versa. Over the years, we’ve built strong and long-lasting relationships with many families who not only trust us to manage their money, but also trust us enough to refer their loved ones to us. As a result, we’ve become a referral-only firm. This means we don’t work with just anyone. We take the time to get to know a potential client on a personal level. We want to make sure we can work well together, and we only take on a client we believe we can help.

Experienced & Knowledgeable

We’ve been in this industry for several decades, and have weathered both bull and bear markets. Our firm is comprised of a team of seasoned professionals with diverse experiences in financial planning and wealth management, and a shared passion for helping our clients. Beyond our experience, several of our team members also hold advanced training and designations, including Chartered Life Underwriter, Enrolled Agent, Accredited Estate Planner, and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification. We are committed to furthering our knowledge and staying up-to-date on current trends. By conducting ongoing research and offering advice and answers on the latest updates and news, we strive to help our clients feel comfortable with their investments and know their assets are being professionally and proactively managed.

A Holistic Process

Many clients come to us because they don’t have a financial plan in place, or they have products that don’t make sense with their goals and needs. We seek to solve this problem using a time-tested life planning process. This comprehensive approach is designed to provide a plan in which all the pieces work together and the sum is greater than the parts.

In order to build your life plan, we take the time to learn about your needs and all elements of your financial picture before making any recommendations. Just as a doctor would first learn about your background, symptoms, and concerns before making a diagnosis or writing a prescription, we want to understand your financial concerns and goals before creating a strategy. And just as a doctor would provide a reasoning for his recommendations, we offer transparency and education as to how we select investments for your portfolio and build your financial plan. If there isn’t a plan or reasoning for an investment, it doesn’t have a place in your portfolio.

Long-Lasting Relationships

Through our holistic process and comprehensive services, we are focused on building long-term relationships with our clients. We aren’t trying to sell them a product and show them the front door. We’re here to provide solutions. We understand that personal and economic changes can affect your financial goals and, as a result, your strategy. We serve our clients as a resource, providing ongoing support and guidance through the many milestones of life.

Get Started with a No-Fee, No-Obligation Consultation

We offer prospective clients an initial complimentary risk assessment where we provide an analysis of their current investments, personalized income projections, and recommendations for immediate implementation. Additionally, we offer complimentary second opinions of an individual’s portfolio. We only take on new clients we can help and welcome the opportunity to meet with you.

Get the conversation started with Mason & Associates. Your first meeting is always complimentary and commitment-free. Give our office a call at (323) 254-3072 or email us at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .